What little I have seen of Bloodlines, I don't think I'd like it, there seems to be too little Assassin's Creed and too much Prince of Persia. But that's just me.
Speaking of which. I would like to proclaim my DEEP HATRED of Ubisoft and Dark Revelations. When you can choose between 3 difficulties, easy should NOT involve dying 10 times at the TUTORIAL boss -_-
jag spelar ju bara rock band på mitt psp, så det är inte riktigt samma. men hard är inte alls omöjligt... så länge låten är klassad som uppvärmning och man inte behöver trycka på två knappar samtidigt i väldigt snabb takt. jag har nämligen upptäckt att min vänstertumme inte kan trycka lika snabbt som min högra :P
och what the hell is going on with firefox! I reinstalled it because the english dictionary kept uninstalling itself. this time I use an english version, so now it's the swedish dictionary that disappears, along with NoScript O.o
Agree wholeheartedly on the tutorial boss, , they did the same thing on Warrior Within, which had the hilarious idea of giving the tutorial boss a perfect defense and a wicked counterattack (or something similar, I only remembered the perfect defense).
I might have confused 'Bloodlines' with 'Altair's Chronicles' for the DS, let me know if Bloodlines is any good?
What little I have seen of Bloodlines, I don't think I'd like it, there seems to be too little Assassin's Creed and too much Prince of Persia. But that's just me.
Speaking of which. I would like to proclaim my DEEP HATRED of Ubisoft and Dark Revelations. When you can choose between 3 difficulties, easy should NOT involve dying 10 times at the TUTORIAL boss -_-
Speaking of difficulties in games, why isnt Hard/Expert mode on Guitar Hero called "Special-mode for people with 6 fingers"?
jag spelar ju bara rock band på mitt psp, så det är inte riktigt samma. men hard är inte alls omöjligt... så länge låten är klassad som uppvärmning och man inte behöver trycka på två knappar samtidigt i väldigt snabb takt. jag har nämligen upptäckt att min vänstertumme inte kan trycka lika snabbt som min högra :P
och what the hell is going on with firefox! I reinstalled it because the english dictionary kept uninstalling itself. this time I use an english version, so now it's the swedish dictionary that disappears, along with NoScript O.o
Agree wholeheartedly on the tutorial boss, , they did the same thing on Warrior Within, which had the hilarious idea of giving the tutorial boss a perfect defense and a wicked counterattack (or something similar, I only remembered the perfect defense).
I might have confused 'Bloodlines' with 'Altair's Chronicles' for the DS, let me know if Bloodlines is any good?
it got 9,5 on gamespot
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