Friday 8 August 2008

Divine Inspiration

It is 23 pm on a Friday night - unusually early for the kind of creative productivity urge that I'm experiencing. Some of you have been bombarded with lengthy text messages - I hope I'm not bothering you all too much. I wish Da-Ryun had finished watching McLeod's daughters, then I could have told you about my emotional state that is very similar to what I felt when I watched the last few episodes of that. But alas! I can not do that without giving her spoilers.

It's a strange feeling - being all alone in a dark room. All is silent and the world is somewhere else. Hundreds of thoughts flash through your mind and time stands still. And at the same time I know that there is not time enough in this life to do all the things that I am thinking of. Somehow I am going to have to sift through all those thoughts and pursue and explore the ones that are worthwhile. At one point in the X-Files Scully tells Mulder that Agent Dogget is worthwhile. I realize now what a huge compliment that is. I hope people find me worthwhile sometimes.

I have finished reading the Great Gatsby and I think that I need to read more of those Great American Novel's - there is a lot to learn about the American people in them. I have also watched Charles Dickens' Bleak House (BBC mini series). If you wonder why I chose that one out of all the BBC production-style dramas that are available it was because it stars Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully for those of you who did not know that already). I do that sometimes, or actually quite often. If I see something that I like in terms of movies and TV-series I look up other movies and series with the same actor/actress because I find that that is a good way to separate what is worthwhile and what is not.

I have also watched a few talk-show appearances with named actress. That is an other thing that I like to do - when I like an actor or actress I like to read about them and watch interviews to get a feeling about their personality, you should try it sometime! In any case I found that Gillian Anderson is quite an interesting person, if you have nothing better to do you should check out her appearances on David Letterman in chronological order, then we can talk about it.

As I informed Da-Ryun about half an hour ago I am going to read a DC comic series called Fables. It uses characters from folklore and since I am currently reading HC Andersens fairy tales I thought that it might be interesting. I hope I'm right. I hope it's worthwhile :)

Strangest of all is that I find a strain of thoughts going through my mind repeatedly. It is really just a few concepts, loosely tied together, but I think that I have a story to tell. It's interesting, I've never felt that before and I might just sit down and write it - if I dare. If I find it worthwhile.

Now I am going to watch Pay it Forward - a very good movie. Very worthwhile. How do I know that? Because it is one of those movies that I pick because of the cast - Helen Hunt and Kevin Spacey. And also because I have seen it before :p


Rik said...

Björn told me about Fables, it's one of his favourite comics. I usually use Björn as a measuring stick for what's hot and what's not in the world of comics, so I guess I should read it someday.

Sounds like you're staying entertained.

Kristin said...

Well, I'm trying desperately. But I fear I am going to fail after tonight when I finish watching the X-Files.

Yeonni said...

Björn tends to be a good measuring stick, yes. And since the rest of humanity has fooled me into watching movies and anime, I'm going to make the rest of the world read comics and manga! Because the later are 9/10 times much better!

And Pay it Forward is a very good movie.

But! What I was really *really* going to say was; if you have a story then write it down. It doesn't matter if it's good. It doesn't matter if you ever show it to someone. You'll just dicover how much it matters to just *have* it there. Written.

Kristin said...

As I read your comment I am filled with a sense of purpose and fullfillment. Partly because I now have something to do but mostly because I am proud of the fact that I knew you were going to say that, and I take great pleasure in finding that I know people well enough to predict their responses and behaviours!