Friday 25 April 2008

There is no spoon

Sorry about this but here is a summation of a session of There is no spoon in Swedish:

Madde tar sig in på Wallmart och får på något sätt tag i en svensk enkrona och ska just till att gå ut ur wallmart när Anton förvandlar allt i hela världen till Jello. Rikard äter upp världen och Anton spolar tillbaks tiden tills innan den första svenska enkronan fanns. Madde finns och Kristin tänker medans Rikard blir Jöns Jönsson som levde på 1600-talet.

Anton bygger en enkronefabrik och Madde syr ett wallmart. Madde startar fabriken, jorden försvinner och Madde sätter fast wallmart på mars. Kristin graviterar till sig en enkrona och Rikard byter plats på enkronan och wallmart. Madde sköt wallmart till mars och Rikard fusade Anton och Kristin. Anton/Kristin blir en barriär runt Jöns Jönssons hjärna och Kristin snickrar en kropp på mars.

Rikard kastar Jöns Jönssons hjärna på Madde så att hon dör. Madde återföds som den snickrade kroppen på mars och Rikard gömmer wallmart på en annan planet. Anton/Kristin får på nåt sätt tag i en kropp och börjar slåss om den. Madde hittar en enkrona. Anton/Kristin förökar sig så att de existerar i hela universum. Rikard ändrar definitionen av en svensk enkrona till Jöns Jönssons näsa och Anton rycker loss den. Madde läser positionen av wallmart i Jöns Jönssons hjärna.

Anton/Kristin får en stroke som bara drabbar den delen av deras hjärna som Kristin finns i. Kristin uppstår inuti Jöns Jönssons näsa och rullar den genom att hamster-hjul-springa tills hon kommer fram till wallmart. Vid det laget har de kommit tillbaks till tidpunkten då allting är Jello och Madde står inne på wallmart och håller i Jöns Jönssons näsa. Madde misslyckas med att beama ut ur wallmart och Kristin Månläker allting till hur det var innan varpå Rikard knycker enkronan och vinner spelet eftersom han står utanför wallmart.

Wednesday 16 April 2008


Tonight I had the strangest nightmare... I think it took up right at the end of a previous nightmare where Sara's parents had a cabin in the forest behind the water-filled mining shaft in Grängesberg. They had put us there because there was a war going on. Now they came to pick us up and drive us to somewhere that turned out to be the Celine Dion concert in Globen, only it had been moved to a small cramped stage where our seats had been translated into really bad seats. As if that weren't enough my childhood rival turned up to claim the seat to my right. Then a cute guy came and claimed the seat in between me and Sara. After a while for reason X, since he didn't actually know her, he started making out with the girl to my right.

Then a special part of the show was just about to start. A bunch of celebrity look-alikes, all of whom where more or less hot men in their 40's (no matter what age the celebrities are in reality they looked like they did in their 40's), mixed with the audience. George Clooney passed by on the row below and Stellan Skarsgård walked by before Kevin Costner picked Sara to be his dance partner. Then they started playing Paul McCartney's Live and let Die and Sara was better at the routine than the Kevin Costner dancer. At this point I woke up wondering where the hell Harrison Ford and Paul Newman had been...

Friday 11 April 2008


I don't know if you noticed but we started a bookclub last week (there's a link to the right), it's called På golvet i hörnet - Böcker är till för att läsas. Do join in!

Wednesday 2 April 2008

This is a short version of the next (previous) post

Hudson & Lennox sacrifice two more or less innocent persons in exchange for the instructions for a ritual. Then they go to New York where Lennox threatens to kill Andrew (her brother) if he doesn't do as she says. They fly back to Baltimore where Hudson puts Lennox on fire to drive out an occultist that is possessing her and trying to take over her body. Then Andrew (who is possessed by a guy named Kyle) pulls out a rock and shoots Hudson who turns into a huge werewolf and then runs away after being hit by a bookshelf. Lennox is almost killed when Harper (a vampire) feeds on her and then she goes out to find a guy to have sex with so that Harper will fetch Hudson so that they can put Andrew on fire and drive Kyle out of him. They succeed with the ritual and drops Andrew off at a hospital and Lennox agrees to be the prey when Hudson and Harper compete in hunting.

Gaming - it always makes more sense at 4 a.m.

Hudson and Lennox are just leaving a library located in the spirit realm where the librarian – Jenkins – has informed them that Lennox is being possessed by an occultist called MT Hart. In exchange for instructions on how to drive her out of Lennox they are to deliver two minds to be added to the library, preferably great minds. Being in a bit of hurry they decide to lure a few members of the Levelyn Association into Jenkins’ library (they’re pretty corrupt anyway). They successfully force a woman into Jenkins but as they wait around for an other Harper shows up (he has previously hypnotized Lennox and has very good eyesight). Being scared as hell of him and lacking any better alternative they run into Jenkins’ library but not before Harper has thrown a dagger at Lennox back. Harper follows Hudson and Lennox into the library where he is apparently trapped for the time being.

Lennox goes to the hospital while Hudson finds a student he has previously talked to and tricks her into believing that he has found a secret entrance to a restricted area of the university library. Lennox meets up and they bring her to Jenkins where she becomes a permanent part of his book collection. Harper is pretty upset as it turns out that the girl was his ghoul and he promises that he will come after Hudson and Lennox as soon as he gets out of the library. Lennox starts flirting with him and somehow she ends up agreeing to being hunted by him – at least he doesn’t want to kill her any longer, she hopes. Jenkins informs them that they need a specific symbol (the key of Solomon) to perform the ritual that will drive Hart out of Lennox and gives them the name of a guy that knows it; Kyle. They set off towards New York to find Kyle who just happens to be the former leader of the cult that Andrew, Lennox’ brother is now leading. They meet Andrew and Lennox starts pulling every foul trick she has up her sleeve on account of being his older sister and after a while it is revealed that Kyle is actually possessing Andrew.

Kyle/Andrew agrees to help Lennox with the ritual but it takes some convincing to get them to agree to go to Baltimore (where Jenkins’ library is located). But when they arrive at the helicopter it seems they have changed their mind(s) since there are six armed cult members waiting for them. Lennox puts a gun at Kyle/Andrews forehead and threatens to shoot. “You wouldn’t kill your brother would you?” “I’m not sure.” Kyle/Andrew seems convinced that she is capable of pulling the trigger (might have something to do with the fact that her morality is down at 4 after scarifying innocent people to an evil librarian) and they go to Baltimore.

Just as they arrive at the entrance to Jenkins’ library Harper goes out of it and is apparently disappointed at Lennox. “Are you even trying?” “No.” The prospect of seeing the ritual does, however, offer some consolation. Fortunately Hudson manages to complete the ritual successfully by drenching Lennox in flammable oil and putting her on fire and Hart is added to the library. At this point Kyle/Andrew pulls out a rock (that seems so scare the hell out of Jenkins) and he is about to demand something when Harper slaps the rock out of his hand. Both Hudson and Kyle/Andrew make a run for it and end up pointing guns at each other. Harper takes the rock. Kyle/Andrew shoots Hudson. Lennox shoots Kyle/Andrew. Hudson turns into a huge werewolf and starts to tear Kyle/Andrew (and the library) to pieces. Jenkins turns over a bookshelf at Hudson who subsequently runs off in the library. Harper and Lennox brings Kyle/Andrew out of the library and Harper drains Lennox of most of her blood. Hudson runs out of the library (through a wall) and into the park. Lennox asks Harper if he can go and look for Hudson – sure, in exchange for dinner. Lennox goes out and manages to convince a guy that she is a (healthy) hooker and brings him to the university library where she has sex with him (always time for sex, besides – he was cute). Harper finds Hudson lurking about near the hotel they have been staying at, trying to look like a stray dog. They start talking and seem to have a lot in common. They go back to the university and Harper has his dinner and then they go into Jenkins’ library and set fire on Andrew, making Kyle the latest addition to the library – a fair compensation for Hudson’s outburst. Harper, Lennox and Hudson drive Andrew to a hospital and work out the details for how Hudson and Harper are going to compete at hunting Lennox…

Tuesday 1 April 2008

If I build you a house, will you fill it with songs?
So that beautiful melodies would always echo between the walls and fill every room with laughter and hope.

If I build you a house, will you fill it with words?
The stories that you tell nourish our minds and gives meaning to the songs. That would be the purpose of each day.

If I build you a house, will you fill it with thoughts?
Then all nights would be spent in endless conversation and our minds and our souls would thrive and we would be happy.

If I build you a house, will you make it my home?