Saturday 27 September 2008

Caravan Club

My parents are members in a local caravan club and have put our caravan in a permanent camping-site (not a trailer park, there are no such dreadful things in Sweden!) and from the things I hear them talk about the place is a regular soap opera. It reminds a lot of those gated communities in California where people fight over mailbox standards and the horrible behaviour of their neightbours'. I find it a bit tragic that they have finally decended to this level - before this they would at least take the caravan to some coastal city down in the south. Personally I kind of detest the whole practice of camping. It is uncomfortable and either too warm or too cold - especially when it rains. And if you by some lucky chance manage to get a lot where there is shadow over the caravan and the weather is nice you still have all those annoying neighbours with screaming and spoiled kids running around all day and, sometimes, all night. And there is no shower. In the morning you have to walk somewhere around 200m to get to the bathroom - where there is usually a long nice line.

Back when I was still doing orientering we used to take part in a five-day competition where some, I don't know, 7000 caravans where put up on huge fields with temporary bathrooms and cleaning stations (the showers were located at some sports-facility that was arranged to be in the centre of the camp). Obviously the conditions are even worse than at ordinary camping-spots but I actually tolerated those temporary mega camps to the holiday facilities. Manily because there where no real alternatives and you weren't there for the nice beach and the shopping... Then there's also the fact that some dozen of your friends were living in the same "block" - as opposed to on ordinary holidays when you are left to the mercy of your family (yay). Anyway, my point is - a summer/lakeside house and hotels are always to be prefered to a caravan (or a tent *shivering*). I think there was something else I was going to write but I forgot it... Right, that would be all for now - enjoy yourselves until next time! Ps. I move on saturday, yay!!! Ds.


Yeonni said...

I completely, wholeheartedly agree! Although I have always wanted to ride in the caravan while the car is driving, but of course they made the only fun use of caravans illegal.

Unknown said...

I don't mind the static caravans, I think some of them are really well furnished inside. My husband and I try to go at least once a year with the kids to different parks in the UK. This year we went to the peaceful location of Cumbria and loved every moment of it. Lakeland was the park we stopped at, surrounded by lakes, mountains and just stunning scenery.