Wednesday 22 December 2010


There is something infinitely charming about small local newspapers. Todays front side headline reads something like:
Something good might happen in Nowhereville soon.
It brings you down to earth and reminds you that life is, for the most part, just as boring as yours is right now. Somehow reassuring, and a bit of a universal ego-boost. Somewhere in the world there is always someone who will be impressed by your achievements.

While riding the train towards my ancient home I looked at my jacket sleeve and for the first time reflected over the words that were printed there "exodus 5,000" O.o What an odd thing to put on a winter jacket, I thought. I instantly texted several of my friends, who helpfully commented that "at least it's not a bible verse" and "it is obviously an encouragement to emigrate to warmer lands". The brand of the jacket in question is McKINLEY, named after the highest mountain in north america and they also use the outline of the mountain as their logo. Apart from being the highest mountain in north america, it is also famous for its extremely cold weather, even by Alaskan standards. The natives aptly named the mountain Denali (the big one) but some dude renamed it Mount McKinley in support of a US President candidate...

Obviously nothing of this tells me anything about why they decided to reference biblical history. Considering the current weather, -20° and 80% humidity (a.i. Cold as Hell), I am inclined to agree with Rik's interpretation: "If you have to wear this to go outside it is too damn cold and you should emigrate to someplace warmer."

1 comment:

Riklurt said...

Interesting bit of trivia about McKinley, I didn't know that!