Friday 15 July 2011


I wish I had brought a camera when walking Harley tonight. We were walking along a gravel path and some 20 m ahead I see something small moving. After a few seconds I realize it's a hedgehog. Harley's previous reactions to hedgehogs made me very worried about the situation, so I stop when Harley spots it.

He reacts by lying down, much like when he sees a poodle or something of similarly diminutive size. The hedgehog meanwhile keeps on walking along the path, straight towards us! It seemed completely unconcerned about the huge dog and human up ahead. It gets closer and closer and I'm anticipating Harley's inevitable launch towards it, but it doesn't happen. Finally, when the hedgehog is right beside us it seems to realize the dangerous situation and goes into defensive stance. Harley still haven't moved, other than turning his head to follow it's movement very carefully.

After a few seconds, when nothing happens, the hedgehog very carefully tried to move forward again, and that's when Harley has finally had enough. So I yell a bit at him and slaps his nose to really get my point across: you may NOT eat hedgehogs! And then we go our separate ways. Me and Harley towards the dog pen, and the hedgehog resumes it's evening stroll.

1 comment:

Yeonni said...

Those hedgehogs must be very used to people, living where they are. And they're fairly unafraid animals as is.

Do dogs really try to eat hedgehogs? Shouldn't they realize somewhere on the way in that it's a ball of spikes?