Thursday 9 February 2012

Dogs are awesome!

Just started watching a documentary on SVT Play called "Hur blev de tama?". Apparently there are about 35.000 wild dogs on the streets of Moscow. This in itself is hardly remarkable, what is is that they ride the subway. Dogs are not allowed on the trains, but these wild ones have become so popular that they are tolerated and free to come and go as they please. So they spend their days in the city center, eating people's leftovers and whatever they are given, and then they ride the subway to the suburbs where they spend the night.

They seem to have learned to navigate the subway system by smell, looks and the names of the stations. They are wild, but not at all aggressive to people - don't bite the hand that feeds you style. They've also formed packs, and reverted to more wolf-like behaviors in that sense. This has led scientists to think that it was the wolves themselves that took the first steps towards domestication, not humans.

Well, in any case: Dog's that use the subway network to expand their territories - how cool is that?