Saturday 18 April 2009

3 reasons to change from 1.0 to 1.0c

Age of Empires II, that is...

1) You will not be banned from Garena

2) Farms can be queued to 40

3) Computer opponents no longer always switch to attack the opponent with the highest score. That is, they initially attack that opponent, but then they keep attacking for some time afterwards, even if that opponent’s score drops.

Also, some interesting bug fixes:

•Male hunters no longer get +1 LOS.
•Male Mayan farmers are now as good as females.


Yeonni said...

there were actual differences between male and female villagers?!? Why? I mean, game code speaking, it's such a waste of time! Really, it just perplexes me!

Kat said...

it's listed as a bug (?)