Monday 13 April 2009

What song are you?

This weekend when I took Qubik for a walk I randomly had an idea. Ok, not completely random. In fact, it popped out when that "I wish I was a punkrocker with flowers in my hair" song started playing on my MP3 and I instantly thought of Sara. It is basically a theme song for her :D Anyway, I thought about making it her personal ringtone on my phone, and then I quickly decided that I will change the ringtone for all my best friends, and you will all chose for yourselves what song you want me to have. So there it is; What song do you want me to associate with you? I will only veto in case the lyrics are highly against my moral principles (racism etc), but I strongly doubt that that will be neccessary - otherwise it is up to you!


Eva said...

*thinking really hard* But all I can come up with is the themesongs of everybody else. Like that logical song for Rik, och the times they are a-changin for Mads. Oh well, I'll return with a proper answer later.

Yeonni said...

hard hard hard
brain asploding
I will be back

Eva said...

Ich Will with Rammstein.

Nallenon said...

Wow, themesonging oneself is hard..