Saturday 19 December 2009

Chapter 19

Aidan, Jackson, Shae and Boris were sitting at the dinner table in Drew’s parents’ house. They were drinking hot chocolate and waiting for Drew’s father to come home. None of them was in the mood for small talk though, so it was dead silent. They all had a feeling that great things were about to happen, and so they were very tense.

They had arrived about an hour ago, and were told that Drew’s father was expected at lunch.

Meanwhile, Kenzie and Drew had finally arrived at the guarded road block to the safe zone. They were greeted with a lot of suspicion, and the guards did not want to let them in.

“I’m sorry, we can’t risk it. If we let anyone from outside in we risk the safety of everyone in the safe zone. It has remained safe for a reason.”

“Look, I’m sure you mean well and all, but I don’t think my father would approve of this.” Drew’s namedropping made the guards a bit nervous

“You’re the Chief’s daughter?”

“I am. You should give him a call and tell him I’m here.” Drew said

The guards hesitated a bit. Last week they had fallen in ill grace with Drew’s father when they let some people from the south into the safe zone (they too, had claimed relations to some important people). On the other hand these girls were asking for the Chief in person.

“All right. Wait here.” One of the guards said and went into a car and picked up the radio. About ten minutes later a car arrived, from which Drew’s father emerged.

“Dad!” Drew called out

He smiled at them and quickly ordered the guards to let them pass. Seeing that the girl was who she claimed to be, they let them pass.

“Let’s go home.” Drew’s father said.

They drove off, Drew with her father and Kenzie in their “borrowed” car behind. Soon they arrived at the house and went straight into the kitchen.

“Hi!” Jackson called out in joy. “You have no idea of how glad I am to see you!”

Many hugs later they were sitting at the table, listening to the stories they had to tell each other.

“I can’t believe they kidnapped you!” Aidan said, in reference to the strange cult Drew and Kenzie had encountered. “What do you think they were going to do?”

“I have no idea.” Kenzie said

“I can’t believe you were chased by zombies!” Drew said to Jackson and the others

“Actually, I’m not entirely sure they are zombies.” Aidan said with contemplation

“But they did behave very oddly.” Jackson said

“Perhaps I can offer some enlightenment.” Drew’s father interrupted. “The people you have seen are infected with an odd virus that spreads very quickly. It is not lethal – in fact, it doesn’t even hurt them.”

“But why are they running about then?” Aidan asked

“As far as the latest reports from the government they seem to be very restless. Reports and tests indicate that their speech centre is shut down somehow.”

“Whoa, that’s weird.” Kenzie said

“What about the red eyes?” Shae asked

“For some reason the infection seems to make it impossible to sleep properly. The sleep deprivation would in fact explain much of the odd behavior of the infected persons.”

“Oh.” Jackson said. “We though they wanted to… kill us or something.”

“A natural reaction when seeing a bunch of strangers running towards you.”

“Fight or flight.” Drew said

“Let’s hope most people choose flight.” Drew’s dad said with a concerned look on his face

Suddenly the phone called, and Drew’s father disappeared into the other room. Less than a minute later he came back to the kitchen.

“I have to go again. The virus has breached the safe zone. Those two incompetent guards let some infected people through a few days ago.” He turned to Drew. “Stay here.”

1 comment:

Yeonni said...

Haha, if you want to win my favor, flattering my father is the absolute foolproof way to go. Awesome, Kat.

Also I saw Zombieland now. That movie could as well be named L4D, really. It was also awesome :D