Monday 28 January 2008

On the road...

This has been a movie-weekend. Not that I've watched more movies than I usually do on weekends. Anyway, I saw Road to Perdition (Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Daniel Craig) and I fell in love with the soundtrack. The movie is okay and when I discovered that it is based on a graphic novel I instantly knew that I was relieved because I knew I would like the story better that way, especially since the bad guy will not be Jude Law. But the music really is amazing - I can't remember when I last saw a movie with a better soundtrack. And today I saw Bad Santa (again) - my God that is a tragic story! Then I spent a few hours obsessing over this independent movie coming up later this year I think - Birds of America. Why? Mainly because it stars Lauren Graham and I am really curious to find out whether she's a good actress or just good at playing Lorelai. And Hillary Swank is in it too - that's a good sign as far as I am concerned. Next week I me and Sara will go and see Juno at the cinema, something to look forward to!

1 comment:

Yeonni said...

My guess is that Graham isn't very good at not playing Lorelai, but that's just based off weird tiny popup parts she'd done in other movies, and I'm not sure anyone could do anything good with those.