Wednesday 26 March 2008

Morning adventures

I woke up today about 8 am, which is quite remarkable considering I went to bed at 3 am. I knew that some guys were coming to clean our ventilation system "somtime between 07:30 - 16:30". I figured that since I live in the absolute middle apartment in the house I wouldn't have to worry about them until at least 11 o'clock. But when after I had looked at my watch and figured out that I should be asleep I heard some noises from the adjacent apartment and realized that I was probably next. Out of the bed, into the shower, quick breakfast and out into the unneccessary blowy day.
My mission was simple enough: find somewhere to aquire a passed grade in Chemistry A. Because of a slight miscalculation I started by taking a slightly complicated way before I found Ångströmslaboratoriet. That's where Rikard is taking his course and the website referred to that adress. But I had no idea of whom I was supposed to talk to and the website only gave me an email adress and a phone number, but no name. I hate calling people I don't know and I hate calling people I don't know the name of even more. For some reason it justdoesn't feel right. I sat down to browse the website(s) of Uppsala University and after a while I found out of an adress to a general student councelor right next to the old university building. I had gone all the way out to Ångströms for no reason.
As I entered the reception of the student councelor place I thought that I would be lucky if they could give me a good answer at all. My previous experience with student councelors is at the very least discouraging. All my doubts were, however, blown away as I talked to this extremely social woman who recomended that I went to CVL (Centrum för Vuxnas Lärande) because they offered flexible courses. I was there for less than five minutes but before I left I had told her more about my education and future plans than I have told my parents.
At CVL I was met by a, well I was not really met by anyone at all, just a sign that said "If you want to meet a student councelor take a ticket". After a while a really bored looking woman came and we sat down at a table and I told her what I was there for. She was so uninspiring as humanly possible. She just told me to fill in some forms and asked if I wanted to take the flexible course or the internet based course and if I had a copy of my grades. That's all right, she didn't cause any trouble starting to bullshit bureaucracy or anything but man was she boring! The contrast between her and the previous woman was like comparing Gunvor to Magdalena Forsberg.
Anyway, I am now registered to take Gymnasiekemi A between April 14 and May 30 and unless I fail I will be studying at the Royal Institute of Technology (sounds fancy, doesn't it :P) next term.

1 comment:

Nightflyer said...

Haha, yeah it does. ^^