Friday 3 October 2008


I have now moved into my new place (yay!) and it's both smaller and bigger than I thought it would be. Smaller in terms of space for furniture but bigger because I managed to stash away all my possessions. As it turns out there already was a couch in here, so no bedsofa for now. But I have a twinbed and an air-mattres, so there is room for some visitors anyway.


Nightflyer said...

Yay! Va roligt. ^^ Jag måste komma och hälsa på så att jag får se. =P

Yeonni said...

Gah, great to have an own place, I imagine!

Kat said...

Uhm, shouldn't you know that it is, cinsidering you used to have one back in Karlstad?

Kat said...

Oh, and Madde - feel free to come any time you want! I've got quite a lot of time...