Friday 23 April 2010

Virus protection

I've already told some of you about this, but I'm gonna go ahead and repeat myself.
6 am PT on April 21st (this Wednesday) McAfee released an update for their virus protection program, directed primarily at their business clients.

Soon thereafter computers running Windows XP Service Pack 3 started crashing or constantly rebooting. The reason - McAfee had gotten the idea that svchost.exe was a virus. (svchost.exe is a vital process in XP, accounting for much of the processor/memory usage)

According to BBC Intel was basically shut down. CNN reports that ALL of Intel's computers in the US run McAfee.

In Sweden Telia lost about 15.000 computers, and ABB have been affected. Systembolaget had to close 27 stores and many communes were affected. According to a technician at the University of Michigan some 800.000 computers worldwide were rendered useless. If that is true McAfee must truly have a whole lot of customers, since they stated that "We believe that this incident has impacted less than one half of one percent of our enterprise accounts globally".

Today I received this mail:
Klicka här för att se en webbversion av mailet



"Halva Telia utslaget. 27 systembolag stängda. Stora problem på ABB, Svenskt Näringsliv och i flera kommuner. Allt resultatet av en dundertabbe när McAfee skickade ut en felaktig uppdatering av sitt virusskydd. Rapporterna om utslagna datorer rasade in efter att uppdateringen skickats ut under onsdagen. Enligt tekniker på University of Michigan drabbades 800 000 datorer globalt." (artikel ur, idag den 22 april).

Gör inte en McAfee - Välj F-secure genom Bahnhof för tryggheten!
Nu kan du testa helt gratis i tre månader utan förpliktelser.
Klicka här för att ladda ner F-secure från Bahnhof.

That's what I call excellent marketing!


Alex said...

Ewww antivirus.. almost as annoying as virus, or windows vista.

F-secure has become better tho, we're running the latest (v.9) in the schools here, and its only eating like half of your system resources compared to the usual 90%.

Kat said...

Hahaha! Also; it does actually allow you to unblock certain programs or processes :P