Friday 4 September 2009

Spanish evening

This morning I had to get up at 7:40 in order to have time to go to the university and get my temporary student ID. Then I went to buy the Budapest-Bérlet (the Hungarian equivalent of SL) for a mere 3700 HUF (let's see, 3700/25=148kr) for one month! And with this golden piece of paper (no, it's actually green - but there is some gold on it) I can travel anywhere I want in Budapest by Metro, Tram or Bus.

Then I went to change money for my first rental fee which I will be paying in euro. Next one I'll make a bank transfer. Then I went home, just in time to meet our landlord and Alejandra, the Spanish girl. So now all my flatmates are here. Then I went to buy a refill for my Hungarian sim card, and then it was time for an Erasmus event. We were supposed to visit 8 different places in Budapest, but it took forever and then the weather got worse, so in the end I only saw two of them. The third (and last for the day) was by the Citadell, on the top af a "hill" that I had already seen. So I went home. Then it started, well... almost raining - so they cancelled the barbeque that was supposed to be in a famous park on Margret sziget (sziget means island). But I'm not really all that devastated, because Alejandra's mother is cooking Spanish food for us. Tomorrow I will go to IKEA (yeah, I know) and maybe visit one of the spots that I missed today...


Kat said...

IKEA on a Saturday in a 2 million city = 4 hours

Riklurt said...

I can imagine. Was the Spanish food any good?

Kat said...

Mhm, they made something awesome with shrooms!