Tuesday 4 December 2007

They say that it takes something special to kill an other human being, something you need to make that final Decision to take a life, something that not everyone has. That is why, when you find yourself in a situation where your life depends on your ability to kill, some people just cannot do it, even though their survival instincts are screaming at them. They say that once you have killed someone you are more likely to do it again and that it costs, that every time you take a life you lose a part of yourself. Sometimes I think that I have already made that Decision, and that it is only a matter of time and circumstance before I realise it. //Citizen X


Yeonni said...


Kristin said...

Please, elabourate

Yeonni said...

but I elaborate so much already. sometimes also the greatest artists of words need to rest their case.

but ho, I shall elaborate a short bit then, since I am apparently lately a friend for hire: I say anyone can kill, it does not lie in circumstaces, neither in victim, it lies in the self. We all harbor a hope that people would be better than they are, thus every time we kill, we admit they are not, and lose another part of ourselves.

Kristin said...

uhm, not sure if that was what I was going for. I was just confused over what the "<3" meant

Kristin said...

right, just so people realise this: I wrote this thing as fiction, I might argue that it is a certain fictional character speaking but in any case it's fiction.

Nallenon said...

Mortals die. Does it really matter how, or when?

Sara said...

You wrote it? I thought it was a quote o_O cool!

Rik said...

Yes, if you wrote it, I must say I am impressed! It was very, ah... dramatic.

Kristin said...

there is an extra sentence at the end that I added later that makes X more of a psychopath: Does that make me special?